Saving Lives, One Beat at a Time: Your Guide to CPR with BLS Responders

Published on 12 October 2023 at 21:28

Welcome to BLS Responders, your trusted partner in CPR training and life-saving techniques. In this blog, we're going to explore the importance of CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) and how our business can empower you with the skills and knowledge needed to make a difference during emergencies. Whether you're a concerned parent, a healthcare professional, or just someone who wants to be prepared, we've got you covered.


The Vital Importance of CPR


1.1 Understanding CPR: What is it?

CPR stands for cardiopulmonary resuscitation - It can help save a life during cardiac arrest, when the heart stops beating or beats too        ineffectively to circulate blood to the brain and other vital organs. The goal of CPR is to keep oxygen flowing in and out of the lungs and to keep oxygenated blood flowing through the body.



- The truth is that CPR can be successful in most cases, doubling or even tripling the chances of survival when performed early enough after cardiac arrest. Today, we’re taking a look at facts and statistics about CPR to get a better understanding of why so many people die and why the success rate could and should be higher.

- Around 70% of Americans are hesitant to perform CPR because they do not possess the proper training and knowledge, their certification is expired and do not prioritize renewing every two years. This is a big reason why people doubt they will be able to perform CPR successfully, despite its importance.

- Here is a reality check when gender alone is a factor! Out in public, 45% of men received CPR assistance after sudden cardiac arrest compared to only 39% of women. Men are more likely to receive CPR from bystanders and their chances of survival are 23% higher compared to women.

Let's break this down, in the end, the "unfairness" between sexes comes down to the differences in male and female anatomy. Bystanders are hesitant to perform CPR on a woman because women have breasts, which makes some people uncomfortable and unsure as to whether or not they should intervene, also, there are cases of inappropriate touching when administering CPR to a woman - which I think is just ridiculous! I'm sure by now, reading that last statistic unfortunately just pissed off a lot of women!


1.2 Why CPR Matters

- Immediate CPR can double or triple a person's chances of survival when a bystander takes action. Every second counts - I can't stress that enough! Here is my analogy of CPR; if you remember the game Flappy Bird, you tap the screen (on your phone) and the bird keeps flying higher. The more you tap, the longer the bird stays in flight. Now picture compressions, every time you compress, you are sending oxygenated blood to the vital organs. If you stop compressing, the oxygenated blood stops pumping. So if you want to keep your person alive - KEEP COMPRESSING!


 CPR Training Program


2.1 Comprehensive CPR Training

- BLS Responders will properly train and educate you on Basic Life Support (BLS) for adults, children and infants, utilization of an Automated External Defibrillator (AED), choking tips and more.

- I emphasize proper hand placement for compressions due to "compression only CPR" being implemented. 

- Upon completion of training, a BLS certification will be obtained and sent to students via email. Certification is through the American Heart Association (AHA) and active for two years.


2.2 Certified Instructor

- CPR Training Instructor: Vince Pascua - over eight years teaching CPR. Vince started teaching CPR at UEI College, where he was the lead Medical Assistant (MA) Instructor. After achieving Instructor of the Year in his first year of being an instructor, that sparked a fire within, giving him a sense of calling, he then knew that teaching and sharing knowledge was his purpose in life. 


Vince has always been recognized for always maintaining a high standard of professionalism early on in his medical career. He understood that his skills only played part of the role when advancing in the healthcare industry. The main ingredient for advancing was possessing the ability to have great customer service skills, patient interactions and professionalism.  


Vince has always held a commitment to providing quality training. CPR classes with Vince are thorough, detailed, interactive and fun! It is not your typical CPR class, you aren't listening to a "monotone" instructor for hours on end and by the time you leave that class, you can barely remember what was taught. Vince has a way of unlocking your potential with CPR, all the questions or doubts you had entering the class, tend to slowly go away and by the time you leave the class, you are very confident in your newly attained knowledge and skillset.


CPR at Home


3.1 CPR for Parents and Caregivers

- Tips on how parents can ensure a safe environment for their children at home. Look at what type of toys your child is playing with - is it small, does it detach or come apart to a smaller size or are the multiple pieces? When it comes to feeding your child, make sure the snack or foods they are eating are small enough for them! Just because we think it's small enough doesn't mean it's small enough for them! Minimize the risk of a potential choking situation. Even if the food is soft, like a piece of watermelon, it can still very well block an airway! Trust me, this is coming from a personal experience with my nephew. 

- This is why every parent should know how to perform basic lifesaving skills, especially what to do when a child or infant is choking. No parent wants to think about their child choking or ever needing to perform CPR on anyone, especially their own child.



CPR Resources and Updates


4.1 CPR Updates and Guidelines

- Stay current with any American Heart Association (AHA) updates and what is the latest regarding the world of CPR especially with any changes in techniques or recommendations.

CPR & ECC Guidelines | American Heart Association CPR & First Aid



Success Stories and Testimonials


5.1 Real-Life Story

- I have one individual who has used CPR skills learned from my course to save a life

Success Story #1: When I was the medical instructor at the college I used to teach at, I was teaching my class CPR. One of my students asked, "Mr. P, when am I ever going to use these skills?" I replied, "Michelle, I don't know, it can be tomorrow, it can be a year from now, I hope you guys never have to perform CPR." Fast forward to the following day of class, my student Michelle walks into my classroom and tells me that she had to perform CPR in the morning. My student was a caregiver at that time, and they were taking their patients on a field trip and were utilizing a bus. While they were on the way to their destination, her patient had a heart attack and fell into the isle of the bus while driving. She immediately took action and was able to save her patient. She said to me, "Thanks Mr. P for the training last night, I remembered everything you taught us. I wasn't confident when we first started the class, but afterwards, I was super confident!" 



Contact Us and Join Our Classes


6.1 Contact Information for inquiries and bookings

- Phone: (619)799-8929

   Instagram: bls_responders






At BLS Responders, we believe that everyone should have the knowledge and skills to respond effectively in emergencies. Our CPR training programs are designed to empower individuals and organizations to become lifesavers. Join us on this journey to make our communities safer and more prepared. Together, we can make a life-saving difference!

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